Adopt A Family

Coordinators are the Giving Committee Co-chairs,  Nancy Hanson & Sue Ligon

The Giving committee would like to Thank all the members who so generously donated to our Holiday hands on project, to the Boys & Girls Club Holiday Store.  All 111 gifts were delivered which included: 24 games, 8 puzzles, 27 assorted toys, 2 book sets, 12 headphone & accessories, 38 items for girls  ( make up, brushes, socks, jewelry etc.) Plus, additional items that were donated, 20 rolls of wrapping paper and 3 food gift cards.

Alex Beehner & staff were extremely thankful & grateful for all the things that Soroptimist does.

December 3, 2021 Pictured Alex Beehner & Sue Ligon

Thank you for making it a great Success!

 Nancy & Sue                                                                                                                      Giving Committee Co-Chairs