5th Year of our Dress a Girl Project
April 19, 2022 at Cathy’s Sew & Vac
Message from Laura Burghardt: If it LOOKS like we had a blast at tonight’s “Dress-A-Girl” sewing night, it’s because we DID! And also got adorable garments made for some lovely little girls somewhere in the world.
- The third year of our chapter’s involvement with over 160 dresses made and given to girls in third world countries. This year, we’re considering the Bahamas.
- Beginning in February, meeting two to three times at Cathy’s Sew N Vac to construct simple sundresses
- If you sew, bring your sewing machine to put together quick and easy dresses. If you don’t sew, join us to cut and iron.
Coordinators for this project is Cyndi Murdoch & Laura Burghardt
Dress A Girl Sew-in February 18, 2020 at Cathy’s Sew & Vac
Message from Laura Burghardt:
Thank you to everyone who participated in the first of two “Dress a Girl” sew-ins at Cathy’s Sew ‘n Vac! A wonderful time was had by all, and we got a great start on our project! next sew-in is Tuesday, 3/31/20. Welcoming new sign-ups for cutters, ironers, and sewers. Great camaraderie; wonderful project!
Message from Cyndi Murdoch:
What a great turnout. Thank you for all that participated… I’m so excited that we got all the fabric cut into dress lengths, pockets and bias. 35 kits are ready for sewers.