Past Projects

Sara Beacham, Soroptimist International of Chico President 2021-2022
During President Sara’s year Soroptimist International turned 100 years old. We received a proclamation from the City of Chico, hung banners and billboards all over town in celebration of our 100 years for 3 months.
President Sara’s logo & motto
“Advocate for Great!” We must be advocates for those we work with and those we serve.
President Sara’s Focus
Sara’s focus for her year was to serve women and girls who thirst for greatness. Greatness within themselves, greatness within our club, greatness in family, and greatness for those who can’t yet see their greatness. That’s why she said, “Advocate for Great!” “We must be advocates for those we work with and those we serve. We have the opportunity to shine as our organization, Soroptimist International, turns 100 years old this year”.
Projects during President Sara’s Year
Girl Scouts of Northern California
Christmas in November
December Happenings
Soroptimist of Chico Birthday Party
Live Your Dream Awardees
Dream It Be It Conference

Billie Araiza, Soroptimist International of Chico President 2020-2021
During President Billie’s year we were under COVID-19 lockdown. The only in person event we had was our end of year picnic at Merlo Park.
President Billie’s Logo & Motto
“Today, I choose to live with gratitude for the love that fills my heart, the peace that rests within my spirit, and the voice of hope that says all things are possible.”— Anonymous
President Billie’s Project
Catalyst Domestic Violence Services Haven playroom remodel. This is an opportunity to give back to Catalyst for the support and services I received from them many years ago.

Soroptimist International of Chico donated $6,000 to Catalyst to pay for remodeling the children’s playroom at the HAVEN location. HAVEN has operated as a confidential temporary communal living environment for victims of domestic violence and their children, whose immediate safety is at risk. The residents staying there are provided with housing while receiving a variety of supportive and advocacy services including case management, crisis intervention, and counseling services. The children are often dealing with trauma and need a place to feel safe. The new playroom design will provide a safe space for healing.
Other Projects during Billie’s year:
Soroptimist International of Chico donated $5,000 to The Arc. Butte County to refurbish, renovate, and improve the playground so it is accessible to children of all abilities. This playground will be re-constructed at their Chico location and includes a wheelchair-accessible swing, various other appropriate play equipment, and protective ground covering that drastically decreases the opportunity for injury and makes navigating with a wheelchair possible.

SOROPTIMIST BEAR FIRE AD HOC COMMITTEE, Rosie Potestio & Margaret VanLaanMartin distributed 20 Walmart gift cards each in the amount of $100 at the distribution event today. Women with children and single women were our only priority, and in order to receive gift cards, proof was needed that they were in fact a fire victim. It was an amazing day, full of joy and sadness, plenty and loss, but most of all, a time to come together to honor one another.
Soroptimist International of Chico donated $2,000 to the Honey Run Bridge Association to help landscape the caregiver’s cottage property that got destroyed in the Camp Fire. Katie Hagan will do the planting with Butte Creek Volunteers.
Welcome to Chico signs were replaced by the Communications Committee for our 100 year anniversary. The cost was split by Communications, 100 Year Ad Hoc Committee and then we got a surprise from SI Bidwell Rancho paying for half the cost.
End-of-the-Year Celebration Picnic by President Billie
May 16, 2021, was the first in-person event for the 2020/2021 club year, and boy did we celebrate in style. We had 34 members attend our SI Chico End-of-the-Year Celebration Picnic at Merlo Park in Stirling City. The day was filled with fun, friends, and laughter! SI Chico treated the attendees to a delicious meal from Bacio, and dessert was provided by the Girl Scouts of Northern California (GSNC), they donated Girl Scout Cookies to us.

Carrie Pavis, Soroptimist International of Chico President 2019-2020
President Carrie’s focus was Steps toward Success for Seniors. This worked in two ways, helping two different populations, both near and dear to her heart.
As President of SI Chico, Carrie continued the work we have started with Camp Fire Senior Women, she believed they were invisible during the fire and would like to make sure they are never made to feel that way again. The walk these women have taken has been extremely difficult. Carrie’s hope was that we can help them take steps toward a brighter and more positive future.
Carrie’s signature project was the Peg Taylor Center Adult Day Health Care. SI Chico presented a $5,000 grant to them for their Camp Fire Senior Women Survivors at the center:
Pictured are SI Chico Giving Committee Co-chair Kim Huber, Ulla Malmlof, SI Chico President Carrie Pavis, the Peg Taylor Center’s Founding Executive Director Diane Puckett, Jerry Mackall, Ginny Lewis, SI Chico Giving Committee Co-chair Carol Burr, and Peg Taylor Center Social Worker Kelly Laugenour.
Unfortunately the Peg Center Poppy Walk & 5K was cancelled due to COVID-19.
Carrie also liked to expand our efforts to educate and empower young girls attending Fairview High School through our Dream it Be It Program, offering a scholarship to qualified Seniors after completion of the program. Unfortunately the program was cut short due to COVID-19, Carrie still delivered baskets to 2 well deserving students at Fairview High School.
Carrie knew our support there was so important. Most young girls going to Fairview have little or no family support and are just trying to get through day to day life. They need to be supported in taking those critical steps to ensuring in their transition to adulthood.
Our Fall Fundraiser Epicurean Rendezvous on October 13, 2019 held at Manzanita Place was a sell out

Below are some of our other projects during Carrie’s year:
Soroptimist International of Chico (SI Chico) volunteered at the Walk to End Alzheimer’s held on Saturday, October 12th in lower Bidwell Park at Sycamore field. SI Chico manned the registration tables, check-in solutions and greeted teams as they arrived. This is just one of the many ways SI Chico helps out in our community.
Kim N. Huber and Carol Burr of Soroptimist International of Chico delivered a $2,000 donation to the Boys & Girls Clubs of the North Valley (BGCNV) to help support the new Phoenix Club, which was opened to accommodate the increased number of youth being served in Chico after the Camp Fire.
One of our Hands on Projects in our community is the 6th Street Center for Youth.
Thanks to the generosity of all our SI Chico club members 6th Street Center for Youth staff were very grateful for all their needed donations that they received from our club.
Salvation Army Bell Ringers
Pictured on the left President Carrie & Erin Krause at Raley’s on East Ave.
Pictured on the right Carolyn Dusenbury & Daran Goodsell at Safeway’s on East Ave.
COVID-19 Shelter in Place
During this time under Carrie’s presidency our club took action and stepped up to the plate and started making masks for the community including the Peg Taylor Center.
While in the safety of their homes our sewers kept making dresses for our Dress a Girl Project.
While in quarantine we started conducting our meetings via Zoom. It was a learning experience but we got through it. We got a lot of business taken care during this time. Our Giving Committee kept giving out cash grants. They gave $1,500 to the Hungry Wildcat Food Pantry and $5,000 from the Camp Fire Fund to Habitat for Humanity for it’s Mulberry Project.