Poem of Thanks

This was written by Sarvina Kang – a Cambodian Soroptimist sponsored by Western Australia in order to complete her Masters Programme in Development Management. Below she expresses her gratitude to Soroptimist International!

“I would like to show my thankfulness for the donation from Soroptimist sisters Marianne Schweizer Strübin and Catherine Scheurer-Tribolet from Club Liestal, Switzerland for offering me a new laptop and helping me to finish my final Semester, plus the Research Report in partial fulfilment of the requirement for my Master Degree in Development Management. I would also like to thank the SISWP Programme Director Robyn Cain for the donation towards me taking the Final Exam to fulfil my degree. I have been also encouraged and given ideas from many Soroptimist sisters around the world like Gwendolen Webster, Chris Knight and Stella Funk Butler and many many  more 🙂 I thank you all for always guiding me”!

The Power of Soroptimist!

Soroptimist, Soroptimist sisters;
There’s nothing quite like Soroptimist!
You give me hope and let me cope
And offer great remuneration.

Soroptimist, Soroptimist sisters;
The path to many amazing things;
A fancy heart and kind;
A life of power and inspiration.

Soroptimist, Soroptimist sisters;
Provides a firm and strong foundation
For better lives improved by drive,
By effort and by motivation.

Soroptimist, Soroptimist sisters;
Requires a lot of perspiration.
I can bet – a lot of sweat,
And just a pinch of inspiration.

Soroptimist, Soroptimist sisters;
Let me sing from my heart!
For, all sisters who strive and have the drive
May someday I meet and greet!

Soroptimist, Soroptimist sisters;
Sing aloud in exultation!
And that you helped me to finish my Master Class
I’ll always shake your hand in admiration.

Soroptimist, Soroptimist sisters;
Let me say I am grateful and thankful
For all the work you have done
Those are so much called motivation.

Soroptimist, Soroptimist sisters;
Let me put the words into ACTION just because of the Girls and Women
I now just want to say
I feel so powerful and proud to be a Soroptimist!!!