Soroptimist International of Chico depends on your donations to help with our programs that improve the lives of women and girls in our community and around the world. Give today and your money goes to improving women’s access to education, helping survivors be free from violence, and inspiring girls to reach their full potential!
You can make your donation by sending a check to us, made payable to SI Chico at P.O. Box 1812, Chico, CA 95927Â or if paying by credit card, by filling out the General Donations form below.
If you want your donation to go to a specific fund, please specify that on the memo line of your check or in the “add a message or comment” section on the General Donations form below.
To donate to our Legacy Fund in honor of Bev Rozendaal  click here
To read about Bev Rozendaal click here
To donate to our 100 Year Legacy Project click here
To read about our 100 Year Legacy Project click here
Your donations are very much appreciated, Thank you!